Bradford Office: +44 (0)1274 480639 Teesside Office: +44 (0)1642 052476 [{"id":7,"order":3,"name":"Bradford Office","landline":"+44 (0)1274 480639","mobile":"+44 (0)7568 509493","email":null,"address":null,"address_link":null,"directions_image":null,"in_header":1,"on_contact_page":0,"preferred_phone_number":"landline","created_at":"2023-11-13 12:01:25","updated_at":"2023-11-29 09:37:57"},{"id":1,"order":2,"name":"Yorkshire Office","landline":"+44 (0)1274 480639","mobile":"+44 (0)7568 509493","email":"paulc@ptc360solutions.co.uk","address":"Bella Vista, Lee Lane,Cottingley, West Yorkshire,BD16 1UF","address_link":"https:\/\/www.google.com\/maps\/place\/54\u00c2\u00b034'17.3\"N+1\u00c2\u00b010'42.9\"W\/@54.5714693,-1.1794962,18z\/data=!3m1!4b1!4m6!3m5!1s0x0:0x8ecd5117de9a54ed!7e2!8m2!3d54.571468!4d-1.1785765","directions_image":null,"in_header":0,"on_contact_page":1,"preferred_phone_number":"mobile","created_at":"2023-11-13 11:08:25","updated_at":"2023-11-28 11:43:26"},{"id":2,"order":1,"name":"Teesside Office","landline":"+44 (0)1642 052476","mobile":"+44 (0)7547 672880","email":"joe@ptc360solutions.co.uk","address":"Unit 4b Stadium Court, Skippers Lane Industrial Estate, Middlesbrough TS6 6JB","address_link":"https:\/\/www.google.com\/maps\/place\/54\u00c2\u00b034'17.3\"N+1\u00c2\u00b010'42.9\"W\/@54.5714693,-1.1794962,18z\/data=!3m1!4b1!4m6!3m5!1s0x0:0x8ecd5117de9a54ed!7e2!8m2!3d54.571468!4d-1.1785765","directions_image":"1699875690PTC360NEWADDRESS.png","in_header":1,"on_contact_page":1,"preferred_phone_number":"landline","created_at":"2023-11-13 11:19:14","updated_at":"2023-11-29 13:26:18"}]

Common Faults on Vacuum / Pneumatic Conveying (Low Pressure) Systems

In the industrial landscape, many companies heavily rely on compressed air systems operating at pressures of 7 bar and above. However, the challenges shift when dealing with Low-Pressure Vacuum and Blower Systems, where the margin for error is slim, and meticulous attention is required to prevent system failures. In this blog post, we will explore the common faults associated with these systems and highlight the crucial role of Low-Pressure Service Technicians in troubleshooting and maintaining their functionality.

The Shift in Perspective:

Unlike compressed air systems, Low-Pressure Vacuum and Blower Systems demand a unique approach. The issues encountered in these systems predominantly stem from two elements: human error and process-related challenges. Consequently, Low-Pressure Service Technicians must evolve into system engineers, thinking "outside the box" to diagnose and address issues effectively.

The Investigative Process:

When confronted with a malfunctioning Low-Pressure Blower or Vacuum System, technicians embark on a comprehensive investigation. Armed with their metaphorical Sherlock Holmes deerstalker hard hat and Duncan pipe, they walk the line, engaging with onsite personnel to understand the transition from what was to what is. This investigative process is crucial for pinpointing changes that may have impacted the system and led to its failure.

Common Faults in Vacuum and Pneumatic Conveying Systems:

  1. Extended delivery lines
  2. Modified pipework
  3. Sticking diverter valves
  4. Isolation valve failures
  5. Solenoid malfunctions
  6. Product density variations
  7. Particle shape and size considerations
  8. Holes in pipework
  9. Physically damaged pipework
  10. Product dropping out of suspension
  11. Blocked pipework due to various reasons
  12. System filtration issues (primary and secondary)
  13. Changes in process control
  14. Moisture ingress due to multiple reasons
  15. Presence of foreign matter
  16. Material discharge rate disparities
  17. Ambient conditions
  18. Stationary and operating temperatures in the room
  19. Air inlet restrictions

Understanding the System Dynamics:

To address these issues, technicians delve into the system dynamics. They go "inside the box" and inspect standard components, including the service record, oil levels, filter condition, belts, pulleys, motor, coolers, and fans. Small changes in any of these components can accumulate over time, leading to system failures. In extreme cases, this accumulation may result in terminal issues and create conditions conducive to fires.

The Misconception:

Contrary to popular belief, Blower and Vacuum Service Technicians are not a lesser species than their compressor counterparts. In reality, a proficient Blower and Vacuum Service Technician is a system engineer first and a service technician second. Their expertise goes beyond what's stated on their business cards or job descriptions.


In the realm of Low-Pressure Vacuum and Blower Systems, understanding the intricacies of the system and addressing common faults is paramount. The role of a skilled technician extends far beyond routine maintenance, making them indispensable system engineers who play a crucial role in preventing system failures and ensuring the safety and efficiency of industrial processes.