Bradford Office: +44 (0)1274 480639 Teesside Office: +44 (0)1642 052476 [{"id":7,"order":3,"name":"Bradford Office","landline":"+44 (0)1274 480639","mobile":"+44 (0)7568 509493","email":null,"address":null,"address_link":null,"directions_image":null,"in_header":1,"on_contact_page":0,"preferred_phone_number":"landline","created_at":"2023-11-13 12:01:25","updated_at":"2023-11-29 09:37:57"},{"id":1,"order":2,"name":"Yorkshire Office","landline":"+44 (0)1274 480639","mobile":"+44 (0)7568 509493","email":"paulc@ptc360solutions.co.uk","address":"Bella Vista, Lee Lane,Cottingley, West Yorkshire,BD16 1UF","address_link":"https:\/\/www.google.com\/maps\/place\/54\u00c2\u00b034'17.3\"N+1\u00c2\u00b010'42.9\"W\/@54.5714693,-1.1794962,18z\/data=!3m1!4b1!4m6!3m5!1s0x0:0x8ecd5117de9a54ed!7e2!8m2!3d54.571468!4d-1.1785765","directions_image":null,"in_header":0,"on_contact_page":1,"preferred_phone_number":"mobile","created_at":"2023-11-13 11:08:25","updated_at":"2023-11-28 11:43:26"},{"id":2,"order":1,"name":"Teesside Office","landline":"+44 (0)1642 052476","mobile":"+44 (0)7547 672880","email":"joe@ptc360solutions.co.uk","address":"Unit 4b Stadium Court, Skippers Lane Industrial Estate, Middlesbrough TS6 6JB","address_link":"https:\/\/www.google.com\/maps\/place\/54\u00c2\u00b034'17.3\"N+1\u00c2\u00b010'42.9\"W\/@54.5714693,-1.1794962,18z\/data=!3m1!4b1!4m6!3m5!1s0x0:0x8ecd5117de9a54ed!7e2!8m2!3d54.571468!4d-1.1785765","directions_image":"1699875690PTC360NEWADDRESS.png","in_header":1,"on_contact_page":1,"preferred_phone_number":"landline","created_at":"2023-11-13 11:19:14","updated_at":"2023-11-29 13:26:18"}]


Using a Vacuum Loader System (either mobile or centralised), the entire facility can be kept clean, including production areas, cranes, furnaces and filters. The system helps reduce maintenance cost by recovering any product spillage. It also contributes to a safer, cleaner workplace for operators.


A  Mobile or Centralised vacuum system is capable of cleaning the entire plant. Conveyor belts, production lines, packaging and dispatching areas and elevators can all benefit from vacuum cleaning. An integrated system can function without causing a halt to production. It helps save money by recovering the product and economising maintenance costs. And it also helps create a safe, clean working environment for operators.


A Centralised Vacuum Loader system can remove ash from furnaces, reddler and screw conveyors, and electro filter hoppers. Integrated vacuum cleaning helps reduce costs by making maintenance more efficient, and by allowing you to recover any product spillage. It also contributes to a clean, safe space for employees.


Mobile vacuum units allow you to collect liquids or solid metal chips from tool machines. This allows for convenient filling, filtering and emptying of oil or coolants for tool machines. The speedy removal of solids, metal dust or chips provides easy cleaning and maintenance for tool machines.


Vacuum units can be adapted to suit the needs of a packaging facility. They allow easy loading of packing materials, and can also recover any spilled materials, helping to economise on costs.


A Centralised Vacuum Loader can remove ashes from the top of a furnace, and also clear any row material dust from a preparation area.

Broken glass can be removed from a moulding machine by using a Smaller Mobile Unit with dedusting filters.

A glassworks free of ash and dust creates a higher quality of glass. Costs are reduced by recovering any product spillages, while also improving the quality of your workplace environment. Plus, by integrating a vacuum cleaning system into your facility, you can avoid any costly halts to production.


A Centralised Vacuum Loader System, or indeed a Mobile Vacuum Loader can ensure that ovens and production or transfer lines are kept clean. This results in a higher quality product, and guarantees decreased chances of contamination for food
products. Plus, a reduction of waste and easy recovery of excess production helps reduce costs.


A  Vacuum Loader can be adapted to suit a variety of chemical industries. They allow for easy transfer and loading of solid chemical components, and help ensure high quality for the final product.


A Mobile or Centralised Vacuum Loader can clean furnaces, filters, loading cranes and production areas. By recovering any product spillage, they help to reduce production costs. They also help maintain a clean, safe workspace for employees.


A Centralised Vacuum Loader can remove dust from the surface of a plant. This helps reduce the risk of an explosion, while also contributing to a clean and safe environment for operators.


A mobile or centralised series vacuum system can collect flying fibres from looms, spinning machines and the general production area. This helps produce a superior product, free from contamination by the fibres. It also improves environmental quality, making for a safer and healthier workplace.